I am so pleased to announce that SusCamp ‘08 is happening this November 16, 2008 from 8am-5pm at the Centre for Social Innovation in Toronto. Registration is open now and is free of charge, but limited to 110 people, so get your tickets while they’re still available!
About SustainabilityCamp:
Sustainable community and a creative economy
Learn how social communications, community engagement and participation, sustainable technology and Web 2.0/ social software can help build a vibrant creative economy. SusCamp, as with all unconferences, is born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. Everyone is encouraged to participate at SustainabilityCamp, as the unconference format allows everyone to set the agenda, present, get involved in discussions and learn as they choose.
Ways to get involved:
Present -
Do you believe in sustainable marketing, business, and technology? Are you involved in sustainable (or green) activities or strategies in your business? Want to share your insights and expertise with a group of interested and active people in an informal and open setting? Then leading a session at SustainabilityCamp is for you!
Sponsor -
We’re looking for sponsors to help off-set the costs of holding a free event – if your company believes in sustainable practices please consider reaching out!
Volunteer -
Interested in lending a hand at the event? Drop a line to suscamp AT wildfirestrategy.com and we’ll let you know next steps and how to get started. We’re aiming to hold a public volunteer meeting towards the end of October – details will be posted on the wiki when they’re nailed down.
We believe this type of discussion is incredibly valuable and hope you can join us for the inaugural event this Fall!
Thanks so much to the organizing committee for helping to get this off the ground and to Collin Douma for the fantastic logo!
Stay in the loop by following SusCamp on Twitter!